We’re reclaiming the word ‘results’ to reflect a weight-neutral approach to setting and reaching health and fitness goals – like getting stronger, faster, sleeping better, feeling less stressed, and developing a healthy relationship with food.

Certified personal trainer and former women’s health coach, Laurie Mallon, interviews health and fitness professionals to redefine what we’ve commonly viewed as the successful outcome of a wellness program (weight loss) to get an understanding of what actually makes a difference when it comes to long-term health.

Ready to ditch diet culture and create more space in your life with a focus on mindful nutrition and movement to create a stronger mind-body connection and tap into the RESULTS you truly want to achieve?


My Sleep Challenge – Part 2: My 30-Day Challenge Results with Christine Meyer

My Sleep Challenge – Part 2: My 30-Day Challenge Results with Christine Meyer

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by your own bad sleep habits. This episode is all about my triumphs, from enjoying my evening ritual of Sleepytime teas to sleep-inducing hypnosis audiobooks played through headband headphones.

Join me as I recap my challenge experience with sleep health coach Christine Meyer and relive the journey of my 30-day sleep challenge, including the unpleasant aromatherapy escapades to creating a soothing bedroom sanctuary. I spill the deets on how I turned my nights from restless to restorative. Not only did I come out of the challenge more energized, but I even got my husband to consider joining the Early Bedtime Club.

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My Sleep Challenge – Part 1: My Sleep Smart Strategy Session with Christine Meyer

My Sleep Challenge – Part 1: My Sleep Smart Strategy Session with Christine Meyer

In this episode, I’m letting you listen in on a private sleep strategy session that I did with a sleep coach to prepare for an upcoming 30-day sleep challenge. I was struggling with chronic exhaustion because I had garbage bedtime habits and I needed to do something to turn it around. I decided to embark on a 30-day sleep challenge to not only catch up on sleep, but improve my bedtime habits.

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The Healing Power of Yoga with Tashya Knight

The Healing Power of Yoga with Tashya Knight

In this episode, I’m welcoming Tashya Knight, a certified health educator, health coach, and yoga instructor, back to the show. Tashya shares her journey into yoga, emphasizing its role in her wellness and the surprising benefits she experienced.

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Undo Your Diet Mindset with Shanique Allen

Undo Your Diet Mindset with Shanique Allen

In this episode I chat with Nourishment Strategist & Mindset coach, Shanique Allen. She’s on a mission to help women liberate themselves from the obsessive pursuits and mindset of diet culture so they can reclaim nourishment, health and joy in every aspect of their lives.  

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Resolutions Without Restriction

Resolutions Without Restriction

Happy New Year! You know…. that time of year when many of us take a moment to reflect on the past year, decide what we want to do differently in the upcoming one, and commit to making some positive changes by setting New Year’s Resolutions.

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Intuitive Eating with Sarah Burby

Intuitive Eating with Sarah Burby

In this episode I chat with Sarah Burby, health coach and certified Intuitive Eating Coach about how she helps her clients  ditch their diet diet rules, toss their food lists, and  reconnect with their body using an Intuitive Eating approach.

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Exploring Your Relationship with Alcohol

Exploring Your Relationship with Alcohol

The holidays are once again upon us… a time to eat, drink, and be merry! But if one of those activities is taking up more time, energy, and headspace than you’d like then this episode is for you.

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Migraine Freedom with Debbie Waidl

Migraine Freedom with Debbie Waidl

In this episode I talk to Debbie Waidl, a Migraine Specialist who helps busy moms uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain- and symptom-free, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.

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Size Inclusive Personal training with Shannon Hennig

Size Inclusive Personal training with Shannon Hennig

In this episode I chat with personal trainer, Shannon Hennig, an online personal trainer who works with women from a body positive, size-inclusive perspective. Her mission is to provide sustainable fitness programs and nutrition coaching that gets her clients lasting results without the focus on weight loss. 

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Meal Planning Made Simple with Kare Maryn

Meal Planning Made Simple with Kare Maryn

In this episode I sit down with Kitchen Coach, Kare Maryn, who’s all about making meal planning simple and sustainable for busy moms.

She helps her clients develop a customized system for planning their family’s meals so they have more time, energy, and brain space to be less stressed, feel good about what they’re serving, what they’re eating, and be more present day-to-day with their family.

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Joy is in the Now Place with Rochelle Asberry

Joy is in the Now Place with Rochelle Asberry

In this episode I chat with health and wellness coach, Rochelle Asberry, who happens to ALSO be an inspirational public speaker, an author, a podcaster, and the president and founder of a non-profit organization.

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From Foggy to Focused with Christine Meyer

From Foggy to Focused with Christine Meyer

In this episode I’m chatting with ACE-certified Health Coach and Health Education Specialist, Christine Meyer on the importance of sleep, the far-reaching impact of not getting enough (or good quality!) and what we can do to improve it!

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Giving Your Gut a Makeover with Beccy Escobedo

Giving Your Gut a Makeover with Beccy Escobedo

In this episode I chat with Beccy Escobedo, holistic wellness coach and gut wellness practitioner. Her mission is to help people improve their digestion and gut health through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes so they can reduce inflammation, increase their energy, feel and function better, and live their best lives.

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Living Pain-free with Movement Coach, Jacqueline Gikow

Living Pain-free with Movement Coach, Jacqueline Gikow

In this episode I’m chatting with certified Movement Coach & Rehab Specialist and National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Jacqueline Gikow about Movement Coaching which is fitness training geared to help you move better, get stronger, and prevent re-injury.

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Using a Holistic Approach to Connect Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul with Jennifer Stark

Using a Holistic Approach to Connect Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul with Jennifer Stark

In this episode, I chat with Jennifer Stark, who has a certified holistic health and wellness coach with a background in professional one-on-one and couples counseling, personal training and group fitness instruction. She helps her clients take a holistic look at their struggles—the blocks that keep them from experiencing happiness, vibrant health, and fulfilling love—and empower them to take action to reach their goals.

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Creating an Effective Home Workout Program with Heather Nasella

Creating an Effective Home Workout Program with Heather Nasella

In this episode I’m chatting with Heather Nasella, a certified personal trainer and expert homeschooler (she’s been at it for almost a decade!) known for creating an effective home workout space and strategy for women who either can’t get to a gym or simply prefer the convenience and privacy of home workouts.

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How meditation and mindfulness can be life-changing habits

How meditation and mindfulness can be life-changing habits

In this episode I’m chatting with Hailee Didio, who is a certified health coach and meditation teacher.
After personally experiencing  a ‘lifestyle 180’ by implementing her own meditation and mindfulness practice, Hailee decided to become a certified coach to help teach the strategies that helped her turn her own life around.

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Eat Like a CEO with Sarah Knight

Eat Like a CEO with Sarah Knight

In this episode I’m chatting Sarah Knight, who is a holistic nutritionist and founder of Eat Like a CEO. She helps entrepreneurial and professional women get out of the tired-wired cycle and have natural energy without relying on caffeine or sugar. We specifically talk about how meal planning can serve as a form of self-care as we’re taking intentional action to reduce the stress for future us!

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Getting off the Diet Roller Coaster with Intuitive Eating

Getting off the Diet Roller Coaster with Intuitive Eating

In this episode I’m chatting with certified Intuitive Eating Coach, Brooke Spendlove. Brooke helps moms get off the diet roller coaster for good and tap into their intuition to guide them and make peace with food. What she actually does is help her clients to love what they see in the mirror so they can stop hiding and start showing up in their lives.

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Bouncing Back from Burnout with Jill Kay

Bouncing Back from Burnout with Jill Kay

In this episode I chat with Functional Nutritionist Jill Kay about taking a holistic approach to recover from burnout. After the year of COVID we could all use some self-care strategies to bring ourselves closer to centered, steady, and refreshed!

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Welcome to the RWR Podcast

Welcome to the RWR Podcast

The show where RESULTS have nothing to do to with weight and everything to do with setting and reaching health and fitness goals that focus on what we’re achieving, not what we’re losing.

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About Laurie

I’m the host of Results Without Restriction, an inclusive and diverse collaborative platform for health and wellness practitioners to come together and promote the idea of living better without a focus on size or weight. 

It’s named after the signature program I created as a health coach to help my clients set and reach health and wellness goals with a weight-neutral, Health at Every Size-based approach.

I no longer work with clients but I continue to share the work of health coaches, nutritionists, personal trainers, and wellness practitioners that promote better health without diets or promoting weight loss as a solution.