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In this episode I chat with Megan Caldwell, a personal trainer and health coach who helps busy moms prioritize self-care, move past overwhelm and exhaustion to find strength and confidence in both mind and body.
Megan shares her journey of transitioning from a stay-at-home mom to an entrepreneur, running a fitness franchise for moms. Despite the success she found, she was burnt out, putting her own wellness on the back burner.
Recognizing that wellness is more than just fitness, she now focuses on five pillars of health: movement, hydration, nutrition, sleep, and stress management, because taking care of yourself, creating habits, and finding systems that work with you and the season of life that you’re in are critical to maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Connect with Megan:
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In this episode I sit down with certified health coach Kim Darroch to explore the benefits of creating an anxiety-friendly life and how making holistic lifestyle changes can minimize the impact that every day stress has on your physical and mental health.
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In this episode I chat with Kristen Koeller who is an ACE Certified health coach, a group fitness instructor, and a personal trainer. We sit down to talk about the highs and lows of life and the value of approaching these times with a growth mindset that allows us to move through the peaks and valleys with curiosity and be open to what we can learn from both.
Book a call with Kristen:

Connect with Kristen
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In this episode I chat with Tanya Stricek, the Mindful Nutritionist, a midlife health expert, and the host of The Fullness Podcast.
We talk about the challenges women face being in that midlife phase while living in a size-obsessed world and the benefits of incorporating a mindful eating and weight inclusive approach to aging and health.
Let’s talk about how we can shift the focus away from size and weight and onto habits and behavior and all the ways we can bring joy into our daily lives.
Connect with Tanya:
On her podcast: The Fullness Podcast
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In this episode I chat with Nourishment Strategist & Mindset coach. Shanique’s on a mIn this episode I chat with Nourishment Strategist & Mindset coach, Shanique Allen. She’s on a mission to help women liberate themselves from the obsessive pursuits and mindset of diet culture so they can reclaim nourishment, health and joy in every aspect of their lives. ission to help women liberate themselves from the obsessive pursuits and mindset of diet culture so they can reclaim nourishment, health and joy in every aspect of their lives.
Mentioned in this episode:
Connect with Shanique:
- Instagram: @shaniqueallen_
- Twitter:@shaniqueallen_
- Apple Podcasts: Undiet Yo’self